For more than 35 years we had to miss the Christmas beer but in 2002 the tradition was restored with Gouden Carolus Christmas. It’s a strong, dark ruby red beer with character and contains an alcohol percentage of 10.5 %... Read More
Color and Sight:
Dark Chocolate Brown with a compact foam, white-yellow, stable and creamy. Odor Touches of caramel, mocca and chocolate. Spices such as licorice and coriander are also present.
As the days grow shorter and frost becomes snow, our Belgian Freeze winter ale is the perfect remedy to loosen the spirits. This deep amber tonic is brewed with lots of roasted caramel malt for body and warmth to bring in the... Read More
Light brown colored beer with small white head and lots of carbonation. Malty fruity aroma. Full sparkling palate. Finish is berby and spicy. Bit bitter sweet nicely balanced. Good one.