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Brouwerij Verhaeghe - Duchesse Cherry (4 pack cans)

Price: $21.99

Case Price (6): $125.99

Quantity in Stock: 2
Producer Brouwerij Verhaeghe
Country Belgium
Region Vlaanderen
Style Sour (Flanders Red Ale)
Sku 23337
Size 4 pack cans

Brouwerij Verhaeghe Description

Duchesse Cherry is a blend of 1 and 2 year-old Duchesse de Bourgogne with local, sour cherries added to the maturing beer. The malt beverage is aged in oak casks, and utilizing whole cherries from the Limburg region of Belgium, as opposed to cherry syrup that is sometimes used in cherry beer production, Duchesse Cherry truly lives up to its name. 

Untappd Rating: 3.93 Points

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